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Guerrilla Marketing Example - Snowvertising

Swiss company uses snow to market on the streets! This is a great example of creative guerrilla marketing!

Honest Tea: the most honest city In America

Honest Tea set up small drink dispensers in the some of the largest cities in America: San Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington, Chicago, Atlanta, Boston and New York. The social experiment was about measuring the honesty of people to see if they would pay for the drink they picked up.

The campaign got a lot of media to take notice and received buzz around the the brand. The whole campaign received over 280 million total impressions, 160 press stories, $2.79 million in earned media and experienced double diget growth in each target market with San Francisco being the ... continua

ACDelco Interactive Moving Truck Advertisement

One man band: brilliant street performance by George kamikawa on burke street Melbourne

Busker George Kamikawa combines a Japanese background and love of blues music to surprise and entertain passers-by.

Publimania 1993

46 mins of the world's best commercials as chosen by "The Night of The Adeaters '93/'94. This part was aired on Rai Tre (1993) during the night schedule. It was called Publimania.

KLM Economy comfort product with Ramana at Manchester airport

KLM Economy Comfort Products runs a guerrilla marketing campaign that makes you feel like your sitting on a cloud!

Fitness First Case

Fitness First fitness chain takes on guerrilla marketing to target new customers.

Pippi Calzelunghe all’Opera di Helsinki

Dal Grand Palais di Parigi, i coristi di Sotto Voce e il direttore del coro Alan Prouty interpretano con allegria il meglio del repertorio di Natale. Il coro è composto dai ragazzi e ragazze tra i 10 e i 18 anni, in residenza al Teatro Châtelet di Parigi. I generi vanno dalla classica al jazz, passando per il musical americano.
Pippilotta Victualia Rollgardina Succiamenta Efrasilla Calzelunghe, – per gli amici e fans semplicemente Pippi – una bambina forzuta dalle trecce rosse e le lentiggini, conquista ora anche la danza classica. Il ballerino e coreografo ... continua

Thursday Appointment – Cita de los Jueves

El Resumen de Noticias: Quizás no puedas entender sus palabras exactas, pero los gestos y subtítulos en esta versión traducida al inglés bastan para transmitir el hermoso mensaje de este premiado cortometraje escrito y dirigido por el cineasta iraní de 20 años Syed Mohammad Reza Kheradmand.
El corto, titulado Thursday Appointment (Cita de los jueves), fue galardonado recientemente en el Festival de cine africano de Luxor, una organización sin ánimo de lucro que fomenta y homenajea el cine de África.
Este poderoso cortometraje presenta a un matrimonio ... continua

Heineken - UEFA Champions League - Real Madrid vs Milan

When a bunch of guys were convinced by their better halfs to go to a classical concert instead of watching the AC Milan - Real Madrid champions league soccer match in October last year, they got quite a surprise 15 minutes into the concert. A guerrilla marketing stunt by Heineken changed the whole deal.