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Categoria: Informaciones (217)

Categoria: Informaciones

Totale: 217

Torino 2006: Europe Greens the Winter Olympics

With the opening of the Turin winter Olympics on February 10th, the eyes of the world will be on Europe. The games will bring hundreds of thousands of competitors, journalists and spectators to its alpine valleys.They have also meant the construction or renovation of many permanent and temporary structures which place great pressure on the environment, as this environmentalist explains.
Interviews:Ugo Pretato, Torino 2006 Organising Committee
Roberto Serra, Major of Cesana Torinese
Paolo Rovellino, I Torino 2006 Organising Committee
Fabio Caltabiano, Torino 2006 ... continua

Turning waste into resources

As Europe grows wealthier it creates more and more rubbish. Every man, woman and child in the EU generates over a kilo of waste every day. Multiply that figure by nearly half a billion EU citizens and it quickly becomes clear that managing our waste without harming the environment is a major headache.
European citizens are deeply concerned about the waste mountain building up around them and there is a growing realization that we cannot continue dumping vast quantities of rubbish without serious environmental consequences. But this has not stopped the amount of waste ... continua

Un joven mapuche se las canta claras al ministro Moreno en Concepción

28 agosto 2018, Foro ciudad Concepción Visita del ministro desarrollo social, Alfredo Moreno, En el marco del lanzamiento del plan Araucanía El joven es Alihuen Antileo García Quieren imponernos una paz con tanques y tanquetas, armas de guerra, cuando nosotros somos pacíficos, es el estado que es violento! Ese plan no es para favorecer a los mapuche, sino a las grandes empresas y en detrimento de la calidad de vida y deterioro grave del medioambiente. Publicado por Alihuen Antileo Navarrete y El Ciudadano

VNR: You Control Climate Change

This morning, Stefano Schio is using his car to go to the Venice town hall, where he works. He drives a few kilometres before arriving at a transit car parking which has been recently created by the Venice city council.After a short wait, he gets on a bus. He will not have to walk for more than a few minutes before he gets to his office.
Interviews:Anna Bressan, Municipality of Venice
Eduardo Tognon, Venetian Energy Agency
Gianfranco Federici, ITER Garching
Laura Fincato, Member of Parliament and Environmental Councillor
Jaroslav Stercl, ZS Namesti ... continua

Via Anelli

A ten-minute survey of the Padua "ghetto" in October 2006.Padua houses one of the main drug peddling centres in north-east Italy. The city's authorities are walling in the buildings in the ghetto, one after the other, in order to retrieve the area from the criminal element. Families are being relocated in apartments or provisional accommodation selected by the city council and often only available for a maximum period of three months. The Islamic community is at the same time building a new mosque in record time and celebrating the end of Ramadan. Journalists from ... continua

Waging war on the pay gap

In Belgium, women working on the cash desks and stacking the shelves in Delhaize supermarkets were dismayed to find out that they were earning less than their male colleagues. Now the company is using a new analytical classification system to re-evaluate its salary structure. In Spain, a new equality law was introduced in 2007. As well as insisting on equal pay for jobs of equal value, it introduces paternity leave for the first time and also sets targets for companies to include more women in the board room. Interviews: ... continua

Water is Life

The projects are located in and around Kitui and Makueni, two hour's outside Nairobi. The VNR "Water is life" profiles projects managed by two NGOs, AMREF and the German Red Cross, whose innovative technical approach to increasing access to safe water and hygienic sanitation facilities in rural Kenya is a crucial part of the EU's response to the perennial challenge of bringing water to those most in need. To illustrate this, the report shows exactly how, in contrast to previous initiatives, the local community is actively engaged in taking ownership of different water ... continua